Alive and well and living in Nicaragua


And believe you me

I am well & alive and in full control

Despite the fact of my having to practice for death

All my life

–From the heights of love to the bottom of hate—

So besides breathing

I know exactly

What I am doing

To be alive

Even after I am dead

Afraid?—-Are you talking to me or to death?

Cowards?—-Man you don’t know yet what bravery is

: Ask the assassin at my back!

Why should I be afraid of death

If when true life is in death is always out?

And when death finally occurs around & about

The things that I’m doing –and those that I haven’t done

Are love’s and its happenings—-

Life without chainings –AMEN


: The lifer will have gone his people’s way by then—scot-free

: Yes the PEOPLE—the people’s YES:

The only historical force that has more love than life can afford—

And determined to put love into life…

That is why I put all my living into loving




So because I love to live : I must live to love

And there is nothing new about this

Except the way of living love among haters

: Nothing old about this

Except that love will once more have its way with life

Love should always kill the things that hate

Although love is not all

(For example love is not God)

But at least God is love

So why not let us all love

Even if this means

Giving up the things that only love us…

: Only love themselves

: And let it be said instead:

For man so love himself

He gave-up his only begotten self

As atonement for the sins of heaven

And whosever liveth in him

Shall not want

But have everlasting love


You so-called Christian shared-bolders of life

Better stop killing love in the name of God


Love’s true people will have to see to it that you die & prove it

The price of love is too high –to be living in vain!—-

Not even death in all its hatedom

–With all & its human sacrifice—

Can afford to die along with these kinds of Christians

Who save God by killing man


If that has come to this

Then better I keep on seeking

And let them find

Even a place in limbo

I dare all of these gospel-grinders who are beyond suffering

To cast their pearls before swine:

I want to see exactly if they know

How many crucifixions it takes to make a Hope

(And naturally not their kind of hope that depends on itself)


: Who meee? —- I boss hope!

I´ll be one of the first from here to get to heaven—

Even after it´s too late

(That is if I don’t get lost in love´s arms

And pass my heaven right here on Earth)


: I am praying for God so that be doesn’t die before I get there


Have a little patience LOVE

: Don’t worry

: We are in full control

: Thanks to you and the REVOLUTION


Come: Kiss me with all you have got   LIFE

As if it were the last day of your time among us…

(I hope not): there is so much left to be done

And to be undone: by love

And for what I’ve known about hate

: Time is never too short for me

To go out and make a living with my people: forever & a day


: So if owing to this: I´m not in a lifetime

Ready for my funeral

: Comrades

Please tell my enemies not to wait in vain—I´m safe

: Tell them just to go ahead and bury themselves

(They know very well that only the dead bury the dead)

: I don’t have any time to be dying…

: Life is so short (and art so long)

It needs a lot more than

Making love to live

Or merely

Living to make love

: So when I’m through with life

There will be enough love left

Well & alive and in full control