And for our poem

(a poem made of people)

all verses & bullet-in-mouth of the verb to do

: simultaneously and respectively

Sandino and Darío’s will were made:

to live a poetry yet to write / write a poetry yet to live. . .


the peasant had to wear red and black and bring

-for the verse by verse matter-

A verse-hole producer of milk & honey

for the sky our day of every day

…: the peasant’s property is a huge field verse-sowing

and other agricultural products dreamed


and as expected:

the worker by fact & right black and white made and delivered

-together with their ration hope and share of blood among all-

A powerful versatile day builder

guides to the permanent validity of

manufacturers all future

& other industry-specificities of the proletariat

: students & studied & those who are going to study

they have had to become black and red and pass exams

of their respective verses signed and delivered

each according to his or her libertarian texts

his or her intellectual tasks


and without missing a single day to your [working] class

in order to be able to graduate from town

at the service of work

each according to the capacity of his doing and being

contributory to the lifting of the country

at the highest socio-economic and academic level

for when the school year of the day’s poem

among all the books and free of the world


: from sun to sun and blow to blow

every verse of this poem

is forging tomorrow within this day


: the children are themselves

their own versote put for the consolidation and continuity of the day

and as such they are registered black-and-reddish

in heart & arms of his poemother:



(continued; no stanza break)


The choir of angels is singing to Sandino

And presided over by the cherub of Luis Alfonso Velásquez & lil’compañeros

of life

they are announcing to all the children of the world

-and especially to Phocas the peasantthat

“tomorrow, dear son, everything will be different” …


the poematic FSLN

has brought and put its red and black avant-garde soca-runga

and it was a party!

: made possible because the people got up and took the word

and did with it

what can and should always be done:


and we are not going to let it go

not for PATRIA

nor for LIBRE

not for O

neither for MORIR.