From whom the clock tick tock


don’t worry brethren & sistrin: it´s never too late

to live forever

according to the signs of time to be lived by us

and if i understand well

we are supposed to be living in our time

on our time

according to this ya live-&-let-die time

we are struggling in-a

the same one where poopers vs richers

and not merely because confounders

confuse money with riches

¡oh them confounders!

behold them

put a hand on them

and hold them guilty:

of living on stolen time

and off forced labor life-ings

: let them pay the price of exploiting

and of having more than is necessary to live for

and don’t forget that the hour-of-death

is the oppressor´s sole belonging

so we owe them nothing more/nothing less

than earned-death & living-hell

and right now it is more than half past time

to be just thinking of it

: remember that our clock is set for a date with life_

and for whom it tick-tocks is our business

so don’t get lated

with your up-&-get-going soonry   o.k.?

¿and do you know what time is it?

: it´s exactly ten(d) to one´s who is doings

Here where the hour & place is here & now

in the first place: who made the clock and the stuff put into it?

: we the working clocks of the pupils

Studying to learn off

all their tax and ticks

and whose time it is to live  -if not ours

: so let´s behave clock-wisedly

    And put sense to time

                                           So that time puts sense in us

: for too long we have been slaving in another man´s time

let´s quit and do our full term in history

the hour is at hand:

      time doesn’t wait on anyone

      time only walks out on whoever runs out of time

so we just have to wind our watch good—-for a good match

with the best of chess players running out of time

                                   : yes

: we have to play it cool

                                        And watch all our movements

let’s us handle the clock : not let the clock handle us

: wind it like we wound it in the bed last night —

                                                                                      Till morning comes

: ¡it must clear up for us!

¡let´s give them their checkmate!

set your clock…

wind it but don’t grind it—-mind it

                                                             as if it were –as it is–

the most important timepiece of our life

: careful we don’t break the spring Rachel

´cause there will be no awakening ERRING for us

so let´s do our task as only we know how to:

      in pure revolutionary time!

: check on your clock & its surroundings

and you will see

for whom it´s really tick-tocking

: don’t you see that its time is in our hands

¡shit!      if it tick-tocked to a minute after midnight

   to end the old year and bring in the new

why can´t it time-bomb out the rich  and check-in the poor?

this time they are going to pay for rotten-spoil & over-boil

it´s our awakening hour that they are sleeping on

: ¡let´s get them off –throw them down!


                                                                                   : not after hours

: fight our rounds around the world till we knock-out classdom…

We have nothing to lose except our chains

and in exchange

a world to gain


… and by the way:

      time is catching-up

                                        with all who pay it no mind

: day by day/hour by hour/minute by minute

¡¿don’t you see that every living clock is ticking our tock to attack!?

¡hurry   (h) our-hand/speedy minute-man/faster  second-hand man