If all calendar events
were sim-sima-sima-ló with fallen leaves
two little black kids
winding the hips
towards the dawn
with or without a moon
on the roof of the world
with the son of the “Zopilote”
that draws
his yard and a half
against the daughter
of Mrs. Halfie and shique shaque shiqui shaque
pushing pushing and pushing
then we would have enough reason
to contemplate things
from the upside-down angle
of the bat
hanging from the ceiling of the universe
loaded of days including also
May the 1st.
with parades
poster holders
expounded words
(a)ston-nished words
yet un-heard un-loved —wrecked
inside the pride
of so many workers
that although being such
haven’t eat any bread
nor sweat from the forehead
nor have a salary increase
neither new promotions
towards the old habit of making money
within the rallys and protests
because of mayaya lasique má-yaya-o
with the cop’s feet
dancing unintentionally: sin-sáima-sima-ló
then I would dance
in the center of the May wheel
with my dance, watering from itself
and my loneliness
All One with the Spring Rain
finally in understanding of Nature
Understanding the voice of people
—which is the voice of God—
Shouting from the top of a Maypole:
Mayaya lasique máyaya-ooo.