Symphony for fish in Sim Saima-Si mayor (B major)


For a long time I lay down

On my grandmother’s lap

Thinking of the long dreams of my youth.

In a tone of superstition and sukia

she —that beloved kuka—used to tell me:

“Son, is dangerous to travel by sea

The first day of the fullmoon

Especially in a “swollen-belly-of-quintuple-pregnancy” boat

Worse luck, son, is to

Travel in company

Of a reverend father


a reverend mother

Be it by air

Be it by sea.

Well, son,

You have to pray

Shall prayers take you

Shall prayers bring you.

Actually, son:

Horrible fish lurk

the shadows of the waters:

The bloodthirsty shark

With that deadly fin

As a periscope-submarine

Spying, spying and spying.

The grouper and the barracuda

Rolling our dreams

With that heavy air

Of Security Agent…

The sawfish —its tooth sharper

than a razor blade…

The swordfish

—Whale Executioner—

With that murderous scalpel

Shining like a shoemaker’s knife

That attacks and repels

With the impetus of D’Artagnan…

The glory of the starfish

And the seahorse

The one that splashed

For our great glory


Projecting towards the other

Blue face of the moon.

The sea is capable

To become hostile

Even with its own creator.

But at the end of the race, son

He also, like us,

Will appear shirtless

In front of the beaches

Of eternity

Smiling like a clown

After the applause “.


The only place

Where I’ve poured

Sincere tears

Without knowing exactly why

Has been against the bony lap

Of my paternal grandmother

And today before my departure

before my first fullmoon

Towards the salty kingdom of fish

I’ve done it again…

I’ve done it again

—with blooming eyes!


I knew then that

With my home-made luggage of dreams

Lying on my left shoulder

And some other X manufactures

Pulled over my right shoulder

I would have to go

Towards Zero

Among the grateful unknown

Where vocation and (a)vocation

wait me

Patiently impatient

To make One in me

for me

And despite of myself only for me.

The hour rushes and the water’s rising…

I kiss my grandmother.

I say goodbye.

I pick up my things and I’m leaving …

We moved away from the old Dock

Between good-bye-shaking-hands and handkerchiefs

Leaving behind some dry tears

similar to the ones of my grandmother’s

She’s stop on the fence of our house

Looking to the sea

With a cup of black coffee in the hand

And a couple of sentences

Swinging over her lips.

The twilight was laying its last drops on the rudder of the boat.

Some fishing birds were flying by the coast

Dodging the first flutters of the night

Descending on the deep.

There are so many eyes swollen by recent tears

Looking out here

On this Sea, which has the color of sadness

That don’t let me forget that girl

I leave behind in this town so close to the water…



The act of going away from my home

leave me with a sea-flavor in my heart.

The sea is tamable only in thoughts.

From the beginning its waters have come trampling on sacred things.

Something divine must happen someday.

On its waves still persists the solitude of fish

For the time comes for the dead-by-water

And I am out here on this fish playing field

so many miles away from the sin of the cities

I must always recognize myself less noble than this body of water

Although I feel so close to God today in the liquefaction of my feelings.

Who probably awaits me today

at the shadows of the fish

the Glu-glu of the drowned

Accompanied by the last bubbles

throwing things conquered by water.

So we went to the sea

At the moment when this

Barely moved

with a slow eastern rhythm

And the breaking sound of its waves

left a couple of champagne-alleyways scattered like white flowers

over a dark desert

In adoration only to the surface’s Mamon…

…and we arrived during dawn

on the first day

of my first fullmoon, riding waves

With music from radios

Lovers hugs

Metal laughter

And animated songs of MayPole with guitars in prow & guitars in port.

(Some of their eyes were still fresh

by the sensual contortions of that black woman

that Beautifully was wiggling the hips and

the belly regions like the waves of the sea

The one that never failed a single MayPole

In her 15 years of simsaimasimalo.

When the appendix burst

We went to the hospital to bring her flowers

Canned Orange Juice

And a small “Get Well Card”

With an English caption —of course—).

All the morning of the second day of my first fullmoon

was mine to rehearse

My eternity against the sea.

In that moment I wanted

That my eternal hours would become

A single universal cry

Of water roses and snail languages

launched against all possible beaches

Of this wormy globe

And as the same way in which the waters retreat back to their channels

someone like me would keep on contemplating my fleshless remains

Said with a newspaper gesture:

This one loved too much.

He suffered from women.

He died of present because he could not forget the past.

The future owes nothing to him:

Well instead of life

He Chose mankind.

It was black but mostly

Lived a poetry more interesting than his own skin.


Entering the night. We enter into fear

On frenetic waves of go—go

With the small hysterical compass toward the horizon

That goes up and down faster

Than the heartbeat of the sailor.

Fury and savagery in ecstasy of waves and foam

Destroying and re-incorporating from their own wreck.

But, what is the truth?

That the waves crashes against the boat

Or the boat’s crashing against the waves?

The reality is that both are heading towards / or des

Meeting each other on their respective arrivals.

But all

All of this was enough

For anyone to feel

in Exile —arbitrarily

Under the last dying ashes of the round and opaque moon


To imagine that one’s Stark among the fish

Like a dead animal

With broken bones taken as a souvenir

For those underwater monsters

Which the film producer has not yet discovered.

The mischief and the daring of the elements must continue.

All this ripple and all these movements must continue.

I know cold-blood sailors with tokens from all the seas

they have tell scary stories

Of adventures they have had in the hottest corners

Of these mule kicks

And how they have pray to God

Requesting an appointment

At any meeting point on a Neutral sea

just to sign a truce pact

or one of peace.

I have seen men cry as children misplaced from the breast.

I have seen men envying the flight of planes and rockets.

I have seen men praying like saints in the hour of danger.

But all this rivalry of atoms and time

Have to be fallow

by the stupidity and falsehood

Of these machines with memory placed between us.

For this boat is just a matter of waves


For the continuity of days —water and snails rumors.


Kisses and hypocrisy

Have to follow

Here with those who are actually a little bit

Lower than the angels

Just to check

That at the end we are

The only pure semen

That would immortalize

The true Age of mankind.

…We are the race of POETS

Known only among the others

For our little names of men

But we are brothers

That populate everything of poetry

Cities with poetry names

Inventions with poetry names

Sports with poetry name

Events with poetry name

Suicides with poetry name

Murders with poetry name

Wars with poetry name

Sins with with poetry name

Poems with poetry name

We also have to die

Even if we sing

In our chains

like the sea.

On the last of the three days of my first fullmoon

On this piece of time relegated of liquid

I heard how did the boat engine again

Accompanied by the music of a noisy radio

Surrendering at once to the vagaries of the sea.

With the same intensity of my first,

second and third movements over the indomitable

today I want to verify in front of the beaches of my town

A single universal rite of waves and foams

And a boat over the sea

And that someone is there contemplating

From the place of my absence of the ravine

Facing the sea although the rest of the Town

is giving the back

The hope of a large generation

If we measure it by the time

that takes to a sea

To get in shape

for eternity.


It is on the sea

Where should we look at

If we know

The true age of man

Ignored for so long

Between two drops of water

Housed in the mystery

Of two nostrils

without noise without time…

The other night when the sea was calm

The wind was blowing

The song of a thousand:

“Rinqui – Tinqui – tin

All dem Gial de rinquitinquitin”

Softly above

From the roofs of my town.

The Sim – Saima – si-maloo

Was the first crow’s song towards the dawn.

The joy of the fish was ours.

And all of our teeth

stayed in a straight line.


September 6th 1968