once upon a time in our country
there were always two sets of us from our people’s class

those dead (that never die)

and we who are about to die defending our living —(living forever & at any cost free)

if it weren’t for this loving & living cause:

free country or death

and now —thanks to God & the Revolution

we are ONE set of people—in life and/or in death united

with a sheer reciprocal ONENESS

in all our class patriotic duty


to go about life : three-ways-in-one:

1) : by living for our country

in all possible and “impossible” ways

even if the only thing is dying to remain alive

2) : by giving our life for our country

   in any way / at any time / in any place

convinced that the only life we HAVE is that which we’ve given for our country…

(“I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country”)

and 3) : humble and proud—not puffed-up and vanidous

: worthy always of our country’s gift of deathlessness

to each & everyone of its “dead”—

[well & alive & in full control]

: totally willing to die killing all that kill LIFE

kill us

be it in heaven or in hell —but most of all in earth

: never asking “what our country can do for us

but what we can do for our country”

: and to this determination there is no once -upon-a-timeness

there is just full total conjugated -time—: Revolution’s time table

: beginning from the beginning that knows only our end

: being this end only

our sale means to fatherland≠motherland —not Disneyland—       ourland

…: and this is no nonsense story/ no nancy story

: this is pure History in the making!