there they are—our days

daily awaiting our hands & feet

to be able to come in & do / to do & come in

¡comming in from the dark…ages!

: our doings to become: and come in & be


these are red & black days

-meaning free homeland or death-

…and we lifers are no diers

we are so immortally rich with life

we can afford dying for a living

especially in “days and nights of love and war

our days

battling to overcome—and be the night’s missing star

I can see them comming—they are not so far

yes: better days are coming—

¡we the people shall bring them in /cost what it may!

¡can’t postpone this date with our days!

…: the oppressed classes & masses are no asses

we know gains from losses

: color thing is going with the old days

power-thing is going with new ways—bold days:

              night & day in love and war

               until no more reason for

the black getting blacker than black day by day

               just because the white is whiter & whiter each day that pass


                ours is null color struggle

     the coloring oppressors are in trouble


               ours is a classes skull power struggle

     and we admit no double

               the rich shall disinherit the earth

               it’s ours since history’s birth

               :they must be gone— we shall stay

               our staying is begun—and we’ll have our way

committed we are to bringing in the better days to come

ever since yesterday—and throughout todays until after tomorrow

 today is the best day for our days—to come in

and until the— our struggle knows no end

on any of these red & black days

we shall change the world & it’s ways

we & our better days shall overcome